Are you wondering what to eat after oral surgery? All County Oral Surgeons agree that some delicious soft comfort foods such as soups, cheeses, mashed potatoes, ice cream, instant oatmeal AND cake are good to eat after oral surgery procedures.

 If you’re considering oral surgery, you’ll need to know what you can and can’t eat. Ice cream, instant oatmeal, eggs, mac and cheese, soups, broths and cake are recommended soft foods to eat after oral surgery. Avoid hard-textured foods like most meats and bread and also avoid spicy foods that can have particles that could end up in the surgery areas.

After tooth extractions, oral surgery and even wisdom teeth surgery, All County Oral Surgeon’s will explain that there are certain foods to avoid, especially patients with medical history. Having oral surgery is not easy but there are ways to alleviate pain, reduce swelling and decrease the chances of causing issues - such as applying an ice pack to the affected area, and keeping your head elevated AND by eating certain foods.

One recommendation we suggest is to try go shopping before the oral surgery. Our patients usually prefer to sleep after their procedure, especially if a local anesthetic was used. So for this recuperating time, enjoy some soft, comfort foods!