After Extraction Wisdom Teeth

What can you expect after extraction of wisdom teeth?

In most cases, the removal of wisdom teeth is performed under local anesthesia, laughing gas (nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia), or general anesthesia. These options, as well as the surgical risks (i.e., sensory nerve damage, sinus complications), will be discussed with you before the procedure is performed. Once the teeth are removed, the gum is sutured. To help control bleeding bite down on the gauze placed in your mouth. You will rest under our supervision in the office until you are ready to be taken home. Upon discharge your postoperative kit will include postoperative instructions, a prescription for pain medication, antibiotics, and a follow-up appointment in one week for suture removal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to book an appointment at our Flushing Office.

Our services are provided in an environment of optimum safety. We utilize modern monitoring equipment and our staff are experienced in anesthesia techniques.

What will I feel like after my wisdom teeth removal surgery?

On the first day after wisdom teeth removal surgery, you may experience some minor bleeding and pain. You should cover your pillowcase with something so that you don’t get any blood on it. Each individual’s reaction to surgery varies, and the sensation of pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain.

A variable amount of swelling can be expected following the surgery. This swelling usually peaks on the second day and should begin resolving on the third day. You can limit the amount of swelling you will have by using ice for the entire first day. The more ice you use the first day, the less swelling you are likely to have on the second day. Please remember to put ice on the first day even if it is somewhat uncomfortable to have the cold next to your skin. On the third day, you will notice that your jaw muscles are stiff, and it is difficult to open your mouth normally. You can apply moist heat to your face on the second and third day allowing your muscles to relax more and open wider.

Most of the time you will want to limit your activities for a few days. We ask that you follow your post-operative instructions closely. Doing so will make you as comfortable as possible during the first few days following your procedure.

Please allow time for your body to begin healing before resuming an active social, academic, or athletic schedule. Most patients feel like they are over the hump and on their way to recovery in 3 to 5 days.

Dr. Brittney Ecker explaining what patients can feel post wisdom teeth removal

Potential complications following wisdom tooth extraction

  • wisdom tooth infected

    Damage to sensory nerve:

    A primary concern is the nerve in the lower jaw that provides sensation to the lip, chin, and tongue. This nerve is often near the roots of lower wisdom teeth. Extracting these teeth between ages 12 and 18 usually reduces nerve proximity. Occasionally, nerve injury can occur, leading to tingling or numbness in these areas after anesthesia wears off. This sensation is often temporary, resolving over weeks or months, though it can rarely cause permanent changes. Awareness of this risk is important before surgery.

  • Cyst formation on wisdom tooth

    Sinus Communication:

    Upper wisdom teeth are near the sinuses, and their removal can create an opening between the mouth and sinus. Early extraction minimizes this risk due to less developed roots. If this complication occurs, it usually closes on its own, but you may receive special post-operative instructions, like avoiding nose blowing for a few days. Sneezing should be done with an open mouth. If you notice symptoms, contact our office, as rare cases may need an additional procedure.

  • possible crowding on wisdom tooth

    Dry Sockets:

    Dry sockets are the most common post-surgical complication, resulting from premature blood clot loss in the socket. They are more frequent in smokers and those on birth control. Symptoms usually appear in the lower jaw around days three to five, starting with deep, dull pain radiating from the ear to the chin. Treatment may involve changing pain medications or placing a medicated dressing in the socket for pain relief. While this dressing doesn't aid healing, it helps control pain for a short duration.

  • Damage to adjacent teeth caused by wisdom tooth


    Post-operative infections may occur, often requiring an office visit. Typically, a week-long antibiotic course resolves the issue, but persistent infections may need drainage. Other common temporary issues include jaw stiffness, lip chafing, facial bruising, and minor bleeding from extraction sites. A post-operative instruction sheet will address many common concerns. If you have further questions, please call our office.